Radio Frequency

Radio Frequency is one of the treatment options available for skin tightening. This safe, non-invasive, no downtime treatment is ideal for tightening loose or lax skin and aids cellulite reduction resulting in a better appearance of the ‘orange peel’ effect. Radio Frequency treatments are used in aesthetics as a way to deliver intense heat to tissues deeper than the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin), with the aim to boost collagen production.
Radio Frequency safely and comfortably heats the skin to minimize the appearance of cellulite dimpling and fatty bulges, while simultaneously tightening the skin and improving the contours of the target area(s). At the deepest level, radio frequency alters the network of connective tissues that hold the fat cells in place, pulling them closer together so that the cellulite does not bulge out and create the well-known rippling we associate with cellulite. Radio frequency also targets the fat cells themselves, causing them to shrink in size, which has the effect of slimming down the target area. Finally, radio frequency energizes the body’s own natural responses by stimulating the lymphatic system to aid in the drainage of unwanted toxins and encouraging the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin to reduce skin laxity, strengthen the skin, and improve the physique of the target area. The final result of this powerful deep heating is a slimmer, more toned physique.
Radio Frequency is a great non-surgical method to help tighten skin and reduce cellulite. It has proven to be extremely effective time and time again.